The privacy policy is something that helps users to know about how we use the information gathered from the users. There are so many things that users need to provide after accessing information from this website. We ensure the complete safety of the user’s data. Hence do not share our user’s details with any website or other party. If you are using this website then you have to agree to certain policies given by the owner.

Personal information: Users have to provide personal details to use to read articles from our website. They have to enter their name, email address, and a few other things. We use all this information to keep the records of users on the server. Also, this information is provided by the user only.

Contact details: Another important thing that users have to provide is their contact information. This includes the contact number and email address of the users. Our team will use your phone number or will send you an email regarding any information.

Cookies policy: Cookies are temporary files that need to be saved on the user’s device. These temporary files are used to track your search activities to give the updated result. If you allow the cookies of this website then you will remain updated with all the latest information on this website.

These cookies will also help us to know about what you are searching for to give you precise results. Also, we save your device information, like IP address, model number, browser, and version of the application through the cookies. Additionally, if you do not want to share this information then you can delete the cookies from your device. However, you might face difficulty in searching for accurate results after this.